Sins Of the Father Chapter 5






The Airplane reached the landing strip forty-five minutes later than it should have. I wasn’t supposed to arrive for another day, but my Grandmother sent me earlier than my great grandmother Cassie had wanted since apparently if I waited until the appointed time something terrible would happen, and that I was to meet her vampire friend  in Bon Temps. I tossed my bag into the  back of my rental car and slid into the driver’s seat and peeled out of the parking lot. Before I went to do my Grandmother’s bidding I had a date with destiny first. And some new clothes.


I pulled into the mall parking lot in Shreveport: I had felt a pull to go there for some reason. My training told me to always follow that feeling when it showed up,. so I did.


My hand was on the door to the mall, just about to pull it open when a scream and the sound of breaking glass echoes across the parking lot. Without a thought I rushed in the direction I thought the sounds came from, willing my magic to rise to the surface, prepared to react to my will. It usually it took a minute to get my magic going since I was far too young to have a lot of control over the power I had. I felt Apala, my silver dagger, in my hand. seemingly without my having to think about summoning it, must have been the adrenaline. Fortunately I didnèthave much time to think on it.


There was a woman in trouble, and my senses told me that werewolves were involved.  Why did I have to always be right about these things? Grabbing the nearest Were , I tossed him to the side  with ease, making his buddy  turn and attack me. Moving my blade in an upward arc, I slashed his stomach, just in time to dodge a punch from my other side. I was going to need new clothes after the fight, and that shirt was cashmere!


It was splattered with blood, and now only good for the trash bin. I ducked left and then my fist connected with  one the brute’s jaws, and ended up shaking my hand from the impact. THIS IS INSANE!! What are these guys? Super Were’s? I could see the fear on the girl’s face before she passed out. Great just great!  The last Were left standing lunged at me: I blocked his attack but lost my footing.  And he soon has  me pinned against the hood of the car.


“You will pay for killing my brother you witch.” His breath stinks! Man did he ever hear of brushing his teeth or or Tic Tacs?  I turned my head to catch a breath of fresh air and there on his neck, clear as day  was, a brand. I had seen that brand once before in a book my Grandmother kept. But what was it? Not the time Cyra!  I could hear my Grandmother’s voice chiding me.


“You are just a scared little girl! Where is all that bravery, huh?” The Were sneered. He moved his hand to my throat and started to squeeze. He was choking me? Oh Hell no! I so was not going to die there and then! Not by that smelly mannerless Were at any rate.


I brought my hand  up as far as i could and willed Fire to burn him. And sure enough he yelled out loud  as he let go of me. Big mistake!. I kicked him in the stomach, using the hood of the car I was just on as leverage. I noticed a couple of the other guys were getting up. Just great, here I am winded and tired. “Don’t you boys know how to lay down and play dead!! At least I thought you would know the command stay!” There were growls all around me. Way to go my big mouth! I hazard a glance over at the blond in the car.She is passed out, Damn she will be no help. Suddenly I hear a swooshing sound  at my side and there next to me stood a very beautiful woman. She was of greek origins. The one next to her  was shorter looked more Argentine than Grecian. Again  NOT the time for this.  They were crouched in fighting stances the tall one looked at me.


“You must be an ally, you smell of the blood of the Were’s.” Her eyes  fell briefly on the passed out blond. “So much trouble!” She said as she shook her head. After, we finished them off  and one of them was taking care of the bodies When the taller one spoke again. “I am Indira, the one behind me is Indira, the sleeping girl behind you is my Mistress, Sookie. I ask you to come with me. I am sure my Sheriff would like to thank you in person. “


I backed up a few feet. “Nice to meet you Indira, I am Cyra.” I almost struck my hand out to shake hers, as is custom amongst breather, but remembered just in time that vampires were the exception to a lot of the rules we follow, “I was actually just gonna get some things before going to Bon Temps to meet my grandmother’s friend, give your Sherriff my regards.” I turned to walk away and back to my car when Thalia was suddenly in front of me.


“That was not an offer,” she growled. I think I saw the other vampire, Thalia, nodded. “And it just so happens that we are going  your way. My Mistress will ride with you since her car is in no condition to travel, and she is in condition to drive..” I sighed. Stupid demanding vampires!


“Yeah, put her the back seat where she can lay down. I just have to move some things to the trunk.” I walked back to my car and moved everything from the back seat to the trunk  and got out of the way  so they could place her on the back seat. Once she was securely in, I closed the door and got into the driver’s seat.


“Do you need a ride?” I asked, might as well be polite, even if they weren’t. The two Vampiresses shook their heads, “No, we will run  next to you for added security.” I nodded and sped out of the parking lot.


With my lead foot and love for speed I soon passed the sign saying that I was entering  Bon Temps.  My phone sounded and a line from Stevie Wonder’s Superstition played, Very superstitious, writing’s on the wall.

“Evening Ya-Ya.” I said once I put my phone on speaker phone. I listened for a moment,” Yes, I have the girl and she is safe, I am heading there now, with a vampire escort. Apparently she is the mate of the sheriff here.” I listened again, “No,  they are females. And yes, before you ask, I have the address you gave me.”


I sighed as the caller reminded me, yet again, to be careful. I’m young, not stupid,the two are not synonymous with each other! “I am glad you called though: The people who attacked tonight had some kind brand or tattoo that looked just like the one in the book you gave me. It was something about Operation Werewolf. Did we ever figure out who controlled those beasts?”


I paused, listening to her going on about how we hadn’t found anything out yet and that I was to keep it to myself until she arrived. What she said after that shocked me to my core. After all of this was done, I would finally get to see my father, a man I had only dreamed of seeing, no one  really ever talked about him, which gave me the feeling he was a huge secret or something. Was I really ready to face the man that had haunted my thoughts for so long. I guess I would just have see. But first I had a mission.  “Yes. No, sorry Ya-Ya, you took me by surprise, I’m sorry.”


There was more babbling on the other end of the phone, “yes I am focused  one hundred percent. I will see you soon. Tell Great Ya-Ya I said Hi and thanks alot for the warning.” She cackled! Not chuckled, but full on cackled!


The turn for Hummingbird Lane was sharp, but at least the driveway was nice. Not what you would think of these small towns, long driveways.


As I pulled up I could see the tallest and hottest man standing in the yard. His eyes were feral so I sat still. This must be the son of my Ya-Ya’s friend, I thought. I got out of the car slowly and threw my hands in the air. “She is safe, Vampire, just passed out,” I said quickly, just as he turned around and started towards me, hoping to get it all out before he attacked me. “I mean her no harm. She was attacked and I was on my way here when I stopped at the mall and heard her scream. Your friends can verify what I say as true,” I muttered the last part under my breath, hoping he wouldn’t hear me, but knowing he would anyway.


Thalia nodded, and this seemed to help, but then he  saw she had been cut. That must have happened when the glass broke. Before I could blink he had his hand tight around my neck. With quick gasp he dropped me and I sighed, thankful the protection spell had worked.


“Did you think I wouldn’t be protected? The window on her car was broken and  she was inside the car when it happened. Heal her and calm down. I am a friend.”  The next thing I knew  there was handsome man on the porch. “Eric,” he said, “as your maker I command you not hurt her. She is, indeed, a friend.” With those words I walked past the giant leering Vampire.





9 thoughts on “Sins Of the Father Chapter 5”

  1. Think the POV is not G. Got confused thinking I was reading Godric’s pov at the beginning.
    Curious to see how she and her family tie into this!


      1. Doing stuff after a long day or night at work probably not the best of ideas for any of us. 🙂


  2. Whew! That was a close one!! And witches too! How fun! Like this OC! Already intruiged to find out more about her! Oh, Eric…you knew what you were signing up for, starting a bond with the little blonde trouble magnet…lol 🙂


  3. Interesting new character there. Eric doesn’t seem to be very reasonable at the moment. Good thing Godric is there to keep control of him. I think she could have hurt Eric.


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